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Brazilian Bikini Mall
Frequently Asked Questions

How to place an order

When you place an order using your credit card we try to make it easy and fast for you as well as safe.

When looking for a product you can choose from the categories shown on the left menu or on the one on the top. However, if you have a good idea of what you are looking for, such as the product's name, you can use the search engine, which will save you time and effort.

Once you have found the item of your interest, click on "Add to cart"

When you are finished shopping and you wish to review your order, click on the "Shopping cart" icon on the top menu or the "Shopping cart" link on the right hand bar.

Continue with the steps indicated on the screens immediately following.

You will receive an e-mail with your order confirmation. Next time you visit, you will not need to enter your personal information again.

If you are interested in a product or service we do not offer, we have the option of "Products not listed". There you can enter the required information such as the product or service description you would like and send us your request. We will look for your request and send you the quote of the price for you to consider as well as the code number and instructions to place an order in case you decide to.

How does work? is a store developed with e-commerce tools that allows you to purchase its products through a secure server, and to be delivered anywhere in the world.

All the orders are processed within 24 hours of received with the exception of those needed to be fabricated by our providers such as the case of some models ok bikinis, cover ups and hats.

Shipments are made within 48 hours next after we have received your order.

Our database is constantly updated with the information our providers give us daily.

When we receive an order, the availability of the product is verified at our storage and/or our providers' storage areas before validating the credit card information of our clients.

Once the order is packaged and sent to the client, we proceed to charge our client's credit card and an e-mail confirming the shipment is sent to the client.

Many of our clients want products or services not offered in our site, and for them we have the "Specials Order" option. The client enters the required information as well as the description of the desired product or service and then sends us his/her request. looks for the request and sends the quote of the price for the client to consider as well as the code number and instructions to place an order in case he/she decides to do so.

Quick search
In order to facilitate your visit to our store, a search engine is available to you, which will help you find quickly the product you are looking for.

The search engine is located on the top of the left menu bar. Just type the product name or the singer name you are looking for and the search engine will look for all the products or items in our database related to your search.

You will find special offers throughout our website. These offers change constantly and represent an opportunity for our clients to obtain novelties at convenient prices that can be processed the same day you place an order.

Secure transactions has a safe and secure server that is certified by a secure server international certification company, Thawte, for our clients' personal data transmission.

Why is it safe to buy at, just like many other World Wide Web sites, makes use of a secure server to receive our clients' personal data. In simple words, the moment you send us your information, it gets codified. Therefore, if someone intercepts the communication between you and us, this person would have to interpret the obtained information.

However, if you still decide not to make your payment through our secure server, please click here to find out about Other Payment Options .

Problems with your order?

If you run across any problem related to your order, do not hesitate to immediately contact us by clicking here.

Please include in your e-mail the order #, the order description, your personal information (name, e-mail address and telephone #), a detailed explanation of the problem and a picture. We will make our best effort to solve the problem in the shortest possible time.

In the majority of the cases, if the mistake was ours, you will have to return the package to us in the same condition you received it. We will send to you the right product along with a check for the shipment cost you incurred.

* Claims will be attended up to 10 days after the package was delivered.

What happens if a mistake was made with my order?

Please click here to contact us.

Please include in your e-mail the order #, the order description, your personal information (name, e-mail address and telephone #), a detailed explanation of the problem and a picture. We will make our best effort to solve the problem in the shortest possible time.

In the majority of the cases, if the mistake was ours, you will have to return the package to us in the same condition you received it. We will send to you the right product along with a check for the shipment cost you incurred.

 * Claims will be attended up to 10 days after the package was delivered.

What if I made a mistake and ordered a product that I already had?

No problem! Please click here to contact.

In the majority of the cases you will need to return us the package in the same condition you received it and we will replace it with the product of your choice of a lesser or equal value. You will only have to pay the shipping costs.

 * Claims will be attended up to 10 days after the package was delivered.

Who pays for Customs costs?

Since we ship orders throughout the world, it is impossible for us to estimate such costs. Therefore, when you receive your order, Customs or Postal Office personnel will inform you of the costs and the way to get your package released from Customs.

In the majority of the cases these costs are non-existent or very small.

Shipping cost

We offer you 3 shipping methods you can choose from: Regular Mail, Express Mail Service o Courier. Depending on the place you want the package to be delivered, regular mail might takes 1 to 3 weeks and the Express Mail Service o Courier might take 4 to 8 days.

Given that we offer a great quantity of products, it is not possible for us to list the shipping costs by country or geographical area. However, when you choose a product and the shipping method, the total shipping and handling cost will show up on the screen. You can always cancel your order before clicking on the "Place your Order" button if the shipping cost does not satisfy you.

For the products whose dimensions or weight are large we offer alternative shipping methods in order to make the cost for the client as low as possible.

Other Payment Methods

We prefer credit card payments through our secure server. This option is explained in detail when you get to the checkout process. In addition, you can make use of these other payment methods

- Payment with credit card by sending us a fax.

Just follow these steps:

1. Print out the "Purchase Authorization Form" found during the checkout process".

2. Click on "Place your Order"

3. Fill out the form you just printed with your credit card information.

- Payment with Money Order.

If you would rather pay us with a Money Order please follow these steps:

1. When given the choice of payment please select the "Money Order" option

2. Click on "Place your Order"

3. Send us a Money Order at:

Mariana Morales de Santos
Rua Nove de Julho, 709
Edificio Novocentro. Andar 8, sala 86
CEP 13320-005
Salto, SP
Phone: (55)11-28400110

Updating your personal information

Once you have placed your first order with, you will be able to place the following orders without having to enter your personal information ever again. However, if your address, e-mail address or any other personal information has changed, you can update these changes at any time.

Other Questions

If you have not been able to find the information you needed about our products and/or services, we will be glad to answer any questions , please click here to contact us.


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